Christian Workman
The purpose of Christian Workman Studies in Theology is to enable local churches around the world to take the initiative, under God, in the development of church leaders and church planters by providing video-taped lectures and syllabi prepared by recognized pastors and theologians. CWST views this as an urgent priority, for the local church is the ultimate God-revealed institution for “teaching them [disciples] to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:20).
For more information on when and why a discipleship program should be started, click here.
Sample of God and Revelation course: Teacher's Syllabus [with Dr. Whitcomb's handwritten notes] (click here);
For more information on when and why a discipleship program should be started, click here.
Sample of God and Revelation course: Teacher's Syllabus [with Dr. Whitcomb's handwritten notes] (click here);
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God & Revelation
Christ & the Spirit
God & the World
Greatness of the Kingdom
Biblical Eschatology
Christian Evidences & Apologetics
Biblical Fundamentalism
Biblical and Scientific Creationism
Gen. 1-11: Pre-Abrahamic Origins
Gen. 12-50: Patriarchal History
Kings & Chronicles: Solomon to Elijah
Kings & Chronicles: Elisha to Daniel
Ezra/Nehemiah/Esther: Restoration & Revival
The Book of Job
Isaiah 1-23
Isaiah 24-39
Isaiah 40-53
Isaiah 54-66
Teaching the Bible: Prophets-Preaching
Acts 1-12
Acts 13-28